Thursday, December 08, 2005
Morning folks. I've mentioned, a number of times, the fact that I don't sleep very much. While sitting here trying to think of something that might pass for a post, I thought of one I put up on Feb 14 of this year. I realize I'm running the risk of going to the well too many times, but this one fits in with my continual struggle with sleep. Maybe I just need to get my hedge clipped(oh, stop that!), but still...hmm.
Sitting here at the computer at the ridiculous hour of 3 am, when I should be in bed, has got me thinking of the strange sleep patterns of humans as we go through the life-cycle.
As new-borns, other than eating and filling diapers, sleeping is a big part of the day. Oh sure, we'll wake up and yowl for awhile, but that's just to get ready for our nap.
Then we hit the terrible twos and almost have to be shot up with drugs to settle down. Of course, by then we're on a high enough sugar intake to be able to climb most walls, and drive most people to wonder if they'll survive, let alone get some sleep of their own. This pattern usually lasts till the teen-age years.
As teen-agers, besides hanging out at the mall, or partying, sleeping again becomes a big part of the day, with occasional breaks for eating anything in sight. Try waking a 16yr old up at 6 am, good luck.
Then, glory of glories, we hit adulthood. Finally we can do whatever we want without Mom and Dad on our case. Things like looking forward to 40 or 50 years of working, paying taxes, and bringing another generation in to go through the cycle. Oh god no, I don't want to do this, tough luck buddy-boy, off your butt, it's your turn to drive. This is the stage of your life when sleep is almost a luxury, but you stumble along knowing that one day, the good lord willing and the harness holds, you'll make it to retirement and go back to the days of sleeping all you want.
So what is going on? I made it through all the stages, am retired, have no worries or pressures, and am almost like the two-year old who needs to be shot up with drugs in order to sleep. In my case I think it is from too many years on the road getting by on 4 or 5 hrs a day, whenever you could take them. I know that in the grand scheme of things this is a pretty piddly thing, but damn it, I often wish that I could just go to bed and SLEEP!
See ya later today.
Trucker Bob
blogged at 3:32 AM