Sunday, October 30, 2005
Morning folks. Hope you remembered to fall back last night as in "Spring ahead...." Most of you probably welcome the extra hour of sleep, so I'm sure you did. There is talk lately of extending Daylight Savings Time in some sort of mis-guided attempt to save energy, but my feeling is, leave it alone, it's fine the way it is. The other option would be to do away with it altogether.
Being Sunday I was ready to go the confessional and apologize for the locker-room humour in yesterday's post. In fact I did so by e-mail to a couple of readers and was assured that no offense was committed. Still, I should have trusted my first instinct and picked other jokes. I am by no means a prude or goody two-shoes, but this page is not the place for that stuff. Thankfully my ol' bud, Robert Service, is here to bail me out:
I sought Him on the purple seas,
I sought Him on the peaks aflame;
Amid the gloom of giant trees
And canyons lone I called His name;
The wasted ways of earth I trod:
In vain! In vain! I found not God.
I sought Him in the hives of men,
The cities grand, the hamlets grey,
The temples old beyond my ken,
The tabernacles of to-day;
All life that is, from cloud to clod
I sought...Alas! I found not God.
Then after roamings far and wide,
In streets and seas and deserts wild,
I came to stand at last beside
The death-bed of my little child.
Lo! as I bent beneath the rod
I raised my eyes....and there was God.
On a personal note, I have lost a grand-child.
Trucker Bob

blogged at 5:15 AM