Friday, December 09, 2005

Morning folks. Well, here we are. The Big Contest. Good luck.
In 1955 I joined the Army, at the age of 16, in what was called at that time, The Soldier Apprentice Program. I was sent to Camp Shilo, Manitoba, to begin a two-year training that consisted of 50% academics, and 50% military subjects. Upon graduation, those that survived (literally) were sent to regular units, supposedly well prepared for advancement. In that regard I did well. Became an NCO quickly, and a qualified surveyor.
My first posting was to Camp Utopia, New Brunswick. I did'nt know it at the time, but the woman I would later meet and marry lived just 25 miles from there. I actually met her 3 years later in Ontario, but that's another story.
After 2 months there the entire unit moved to Camp Petawawa, Ontario. Although I did well, my heart was always behind a steering wheel. Imagine the sheer joy I felt when I was picked to drive the lead vehicle in the convoy. I can use a slide rule, logarithim tables, do triangulations, quadractic equations, etc. etc., but my love in life is the open road. I breezed through a book-keeping course once, and then got a job driving a dump truck. Go figure.
I stayed in the Army another 3 years, and although it was a positive thing, I always regretted not having a normal teen-age life. It seemed that I was always under the gun, first in the Army, then getting married at age 21 and having three children in 3 years. I certainly don't regret that part, but I often wonder if the reason I sowed a few wild oats was because I never really had a chance to grow up.
Now to the contest. Pick me out of the Graduation picture above. Imagine, I was only 18 when that was taken, and already had two years in the Army. Click open to enlarge.
If the winning entrant is a female the prize will be a week-end of wanton debauchery at a moutain retreat, where the hills will have never heard such joyous yodeling.
If a male, a polite Congratulations will be awarded.
Back later today. The week-end will be the normal Saturday Chuckles and a poem on Sunday.
*** Update at 9 am PST ***
Other than in the front row of Officers and NCOs, look for a feature of mine not found on anyone else.
***Clue #2 *** Posted at Noon.
What is the first thing you notice when you look at my picture in the left side-bar, other than the butt-ugliness? Contest closes at 2 pm PST. See you then.
Trucker Bob

blogged at 2:48 AM