Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Morning folks. Because I'm still feeling like something the cat coughed up I have'nt gotten around to answering your appreciated comments. I go through this occasionally, so I'm getting used to it, and considering the alternative, I'm actually doing plumb fine.
Once in a while something will happen that makes you realize that there truly are good people in this world. The picture below shows what was delivered to me yesterday via UPS. In addition to the obvious fine chocolates, brownies, fortune cookies, ginger-bread creations, and box of
truffles (how great is that?) is something that should provide the needed hint as to who sent this wonderful gift/pick-me-up.
What is it you ask, sheesh, what a nosy bunch! (insert smiley here) Below this wonderful array of goodies are 3 dozen of the moistest, chewiest, most delicious, are you ready?...
COOKIES!!! Or as I call them, health food. Am I lucky or what? I've got to go now and get "healthy". Yum Yum!
Trucker Bob

blogged at 4:47 AM