Thursday, December 15, 2005
Morning folks. Does anyone else find it harder each year to get into the Xmas spirit, or am I becoming a Grinch? It's probably sacrilegious to say, but I kind of wish it was over.
Whether it's because of getting a little older, or the over-commercialization, it's just not a lot of fun anymore. I'm looking forward to Xmas dinner with the family, but beyond that I don't have a whole lot of ho-ho-ho in me.
My son stopped by yesterday and I was surprised that at age 44 he's starting to feel the same way. In fact he said that if it were not for having children at home he and his wife would probably take a trip.
We used to do it up right when the boys were young, and those great memories are almost enough for me. Remembering the decorating of the house, inside and out, sitting by the tree Xmas morning and passing out the presents, watching the boy's reactions, those are the things that get me through the season. I guess there is truth in the old saying that Xmas, for the most part, is for the kids.
I'm really not in a downer mood about it, in fact a lot of people I talk to feel the same way. However I have an antidote for the blahs....
COOKIES! But I'm sure that as the big day approaches I'll get me some spirit, I'll always do.
See ya later today.
Trucker Bob

blogged at 4:03 AM