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Friday, December 16, 2005

Morning folks. That was a most interesting day here yesterday. When I mentioned that I did'nt have a whole lot of ho-ho-ho in me I was sure I'd be taken to task, but sadly a lot of you feel the same. The reasons are many and varied, but when we lose the child-like excitement about this most special of times we have lost a part of ourselves, and that is truly sad.

I want to assure you that I am not a male chauvinist that believes in "keep them barefoot and pregnant", but when the gender lines started getting crossed because of economics it became a slippery slope to where we are today. It is far more important for the woman to be the nurturer to the children than the supplement to the man's income. But with the life-style that most people live that is no longer possible.

One reader mentioned decorating, baking, etc., but with both parents working that's almost a thing of the past. I realize I'm wandering a bit here, but with worrying about the mortgage, maintaining two vehicles, day-care, the blasted credit cards, etc. etc., who has the time for those things. Most people are wore out just trying to keep up.

Both Jude and Goob got the essence of what I'm trying to say in their comments yesterday. My family is not wanting for anything, thankfully, but I don't see the excitement I remember at that age. Maybe it's just a part of getting a bit older, but damnit, I want to hang my stocking again.

Guess what?, I'm going to put the tree up! I'm also going to hang a big ol' work sock and tell my family to stop by and leave me a present. Corny?, you bet! but I'm not giving up on Xmas.

Catch ya later today, and DON"T show up empty-handed.

Trucker Bob Image hosting by Photobucket blogged at 4:05 AM

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