Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Morning folks. Well, I was right, our little dump of snow lasted just long enough to make things sloppy. As I remarked to Margaret's comment, I miss the four seasons. Unfortunately around here we just have two, real nice and really not nice. Still, for those who enjoy winter sports the drive to the ski hills etc. is a short one.
Today is kind of an anxious one for me as I have a scheduled appointment with the specialist this morning. Him and I have always gotten along well but that might change today, because I've got some tough questions for him. Like why did I have to learn of a procedure called Gamma Knife Surgery from a web-site. The Mayo Clinic site explains how this procedure is almost specific to the type of tumor I have. It is a non-invasive surgery that was never offered me as an option. Instead I was told that I would'nt survive normal brain surgery, that I would forever be on this blasted medication that is slowly draining me, and good luck. Well, doctor, I'm not accepting that anymore!
I also want another appointment with the neuro-surgeon. Like the specialist, I get along with this fellow too, but damnit, if I'm willing to fight why the hell are'nt you helping me? Let's just say that this squeaky wheel is going to get greased today. I'm certain it won't do much good but my opinion of the complete jerk I have for a so-called family doctor will be well voiced.
I thought that I might have to open a big can of whup-ass before I went into Vancouver today, but just talking about it has got the juices flowing. They want us to take responsibility for our own health, well that's exactly what I'm going to do. I want some damned answers.
To be fair, I know they have more than one patient to worry about, but this is the only patient I'm worried about. Booper is coming with me so I won't get too carried away, but still, I want answers. Hopefully I'll be back in time to put something up later, but if not I'll see ya tomorrow.
Trucker Bob

blogged at 3:17 AM