Thursday, December 01, 2005
Morning folks. First off let me apologize for not answering your much appreciated comments yesterday. I'll try to make up for that lapse by being doubly snarky today. (Oh joy!)
The visit with the specialist went better than I had hoped. As it turned out there was no need for me to be aggressive, he completely understood my frustration. Instead of the usual 15 minutes or so I normally got with him he spent over an hour explaining things to me. He is very knowledgeable about Gamma Knife Surgery, and after what he told me, no thank you please! For one thing it is a very controversial procedure with possible side effects that scared me. He is making an appointment for me with the neuro-surgeon so that I can get a second opinion, if you will, but I'm satisfied with what I learned.
He also gave me a good head-to-toe physical, and in his words, other than the blasted tumor I'm a bull. Blood pressure is good, heart is strong, and even though I smoke (gasp) my lungs sound okay. My weight is to the pound what it was one year ago, so that's another good sign. His only concern was that I don't sleep enough, but that comes from years and years of getting along with 4 or 5 hours of sleep, whenever I could get it, on the road.
He's not fussy about my 2 month "cycle" of taking pain medication for 2 or 3 weeks, then just putting up with things until it's time to start over. He said that's too hard on my system, so he's sending a letter to my jerk doctor to prescribe the medication without the ignorant comments.
He's cutting the dosage of my "head pills", cabergoline, because they are awfully strong and he's had me on 6 times normal dosage. He's hoping the tumor will stay in check while being a little easier on me. Yay for me!
There is a spot of bad news though, not for me but for the ladies in my, ahem, "harem". He wants me to go back to taking a shot of testoserone every two weeks. I will try to behave, but if some night you hear a noise and look out to see a horned(y) creature snorting and pawing the ground, please understand it's just the "meds". I think on that note I'll take my leave.
See ya later today.
Trucker Bob

blogged at 3:50 AM