Sunday, December 25, 2005
Morning folks. I have seriously got to get a life, or learn how to sleep. Here it is 3 am Xmas morning and I'm sitting at this blasted thing. Guess I should'nt bad-mouth the 'puter because without it, and you guys, I'd be all the way up the wall instead of just half-way.
Had an open-house here last night that went well. Family and friends stopped by for a little visit, a cup of Xmas cheer and exchange of gifts. By the look of the pile under the tree I did pretty well. Knowing what most of them are does'nt take away from the fun of opening them. Wonder where the cookies are, oh right, I ate them!
Later today we will all get together at Booper's for the big dinner, which I'm looking forward to. Last year there was 17 of us at the table and one of my sons said "see what you created"? Yes Bob, I do, and it makes me feel great. The presents under the tree are nice, but this my Xmas present.
Hope all of you have a nice day, and as you look around, give thanks.
Trucker Bob

blogged at 3:24 AM