Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Morning folks. While none of us like to admit it, there is a certain amount of stress involved with major events like the Xmas season. Although it went well for me, it's almost like whew!, another one over. But then as we fall back into our normal routines we realize how important those times are, stressful or not. If only we could carry that spirit with us all year, but with everyones lives being so hectic these days, that would be a bit much to ask.
What I really wanted to say this morning is that I'm going to love you and leave you. I've got to hang around for a few weeks to take Booper in to the clinic for her radiation treatments, but once that is done I'm going for a drive. It's been a while since I did anything really stupid, but I think that driving 2700 miles across Canada in the middle of winter, take my sister to lunch, then drive back home, should qualify. Truth is I've just got to get out and do something. I'm tired of doctors, tests, pills, etc, etc. Timmy is what he is, and I've got to stop letting him run my life.
I've got too many thoughts banging around up there so I think I'll get out of here before I get booed off the stage. Have a decent day guys.
Trucker Bob

blogged at 4:20 AM