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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Morning folks. I'm a little slow on the draw this morning, partly because you-know-who is kicking my butt again, but mainly because of your comments yesterday. When I mentioned how recruiting practices had devolved to the state they now seem to be in, it struck a nerve with some of you.

When I fired up a bit ago, and read your comments, I realized my usual irreverant way of answering would be very inappropriate. While I enjoy goofing around, and playing with the ladies, this is far too serious for that. I am going to answer each comment with the respect they are due. Of course there are some that will allow me "play", so all is not lost.

As for Timmy kicking my butt, I hope he enjoys it, because when he's done he can kiss it! I'll get through this one as I have all the others. The stress imposed by the government refusing to pay for my medication is probably what is causing this latest bout, because I just don't handle it well anymore. Frankly, I'm sick of it, in more ways than one.

Thanks for providing some incentive this morning, but then again, you guys do it for me all the time. Maybe I should seriously consider winning the lottery, so that I can get us all together for a big ol' group hug. In the meantime this will have to do ...... THANKS!

Trucker Bob Image hosting by Photobucket blogged at 4:54 AM

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