Monday, January 09, 2006
Morning folks, or should I say fellow cat lovers, wink wink, nudge nudge. I must admit, that was a bit of fun, hell it even got a "rise" out of ol' Hoss. Just goes to prove that even though there's a little snow on the roof, it does'nt mean the fire is out in the kitchen. Right Peter?
This week, on Thursday, Booper begins her radiation treatments. I'll be driving her in every morning for 15-17 days. Not only does it give me something to do, but I can offer what support I can while she's going through this. Along with this she is also dealing with the fact that her sister is seriously ill. It's not looking good.
I had planned to drive back to Ontario to visit my sister once this was done, but now that's on hold. I might end up flying back because I got a call from her telling me that the cancer has shown up again. She just went through a horrible experience with a restricted bowel, all tied in with the cancer. It's certainly not dinner table conversation, but when the bowel contents can't go one way, they come up the other way. I shuddered when I found out what she went through.
I almost feel guilty mentioning that my plans for the big trip are progressing well, but they will be secondary until we get through this stuff. I also had to pay for my prescription yesterday which is not doing my disposition any good. Just think, if the dosage remains the same, I'm looking at $14,600 a year. No wonder I like to goof around, because this blankety-blank medical stuff will get you down if you let it.
Okay, enough whining. Think I'll head out to the ranch, and "relax" a while.
Trucker Bob
blogged at 4:09 AM