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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Morning folks. You've all heard me mention my Huggy Bear before and today I'd like you to go over to her site and wish her Happy Birthday. She has been a loyal friend of this blogging effort of mine almost from the beginning, and to a large degree, she is responsible for my hanging in with this through her encouragement and "technical" help. It does'nt seem to matter how busy she is, any time I've asked something she's been there, front and center.

While I do know how old (young) she is, I'm not going to say for a couple of reasons. One, it's simply not polite, and two, although I have a fairly strong computer, I'm not sure it, or Blogger, could handle a number that big. Way to go Bob, wait till the next time you ask for help!

It's at times like this that I wish I was able to put some "fancy" stuff up, but failing that I'll have to make do with a big ol' HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUGGY!

In the yada yada department, it's still raining, Booper's doing well, and I'm fine. Took my butt-kicking meds a couple of hours ago, and so far all seems normal.

I was going to mention a few people that deserve mention but that I can do over time. This friend noted what a sense of community he felt here, and he's right. The people that stop by here have made this such an enjoyable place for me, and for that I thank each and every one of you. I've said it before, and it bears repeating, you're a great bunch of guys!

Have a decent day folks. Stay off the bungee-jumps, wear your hat in public, and remember, I'm watching you, so BEHAVE! See ya later today.

Trucker Bob Image hosting by Photobucket blogged at 5:06 AM

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