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Thursday, June 29, 2006

This is the place I was trying to show above. It was late at night and I was beat, or in other words, a captive audience.

What I meant by the trip being over is that the hold the doctors, and Timmy, had on me is broken. Have you noticed that's the first time I've mentioned that fellow? No more take 1 of these, 3 of those, and Don't call me in the morning. So in that regard, every mile driven, dollar spent, and frustration, was worth it.

Now it's time to go home, re-group, and get on with my life. One little problem I'm facing is trying to decide which one of you heifers to get to ride shotgun with me. The pay is no hell, but the benefit "package" is a joy to behold. heh heh heh

Will you please stop that! Just goofing around folks, helps maintain what little sanity I have.

Will decide in the next few hours whether to stay here another day and rest up a bit, or lay a strip for home. If you don't hear from me for a day or two, it simply means I'm hauling you-know-what.

Trucker Bob Image hosting by Photobucket blogged at 3:30 AM

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