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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Morning folks. Well, L'il Bear and I just had a wonderful 3 days. Frank and Nellie were glad to see us and showed it by being excellent hosts. This visit was long overdue.

I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but this was the first time we'd seen each other in 13 years. A lot has happened in that time, including Frank going through 2 colon cancer surgeries, chemotherapy, and the loss of his business. I've had my little health thingy, but somehow we're both still here. We are both very sad that Carole did'nt make it, but it has given us the resolve to make sure we get the most out of our lives from here forward.

Jude, you're going to kill me, but last night we listened to the doves cooing in a stand of birch trees behind his place and I did'nt go out and tape it. Also did'nt get pics of the deer out there, or the people going by on horseback. Guess my mind was on other things like catching up on all those years.

I'm going to be doing a lot of pondering on how best to do the things I want to do, on the way home. This trip has done wonders for me, in fact I feel like a new man. Wait, should'nt that be a new woman? heh heh heh

I had been telling them about the great sense of community I feel here with you guys and after showing them around the blog, comments, etc., get ready, we're going to have some new neighbors. When they brought me back to the motel last night we spent an hour on the computer. It blew him away that the pictures I took yesterday morning were on the internet. He also thanks Big Dave, and the others, for the comments.

I'm probably going to put in a lot of miles today because I want to get through the rest of New Brunswick, all of Quebec, and well into Ontario before I call it a day. If I can do that it will then be an easy 5 days or so to home. Not sure of how I'm going to go, might cross the border at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, then take US2 across to Shelby, Montana, then north to Lethbridge, Alberta, then west to home.

Hope all has been well with you guys. Depending on how things go today, I should see you tomorrow. Take care.
Above mission accomplished! At motel in Pembroke, Ontario. See ya later.

Trucker Bob Image hosting by Photobucket blogged at 3:30 AM

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