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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Morning folks. I suppose the first order of business today should be an explanation of the well meaning, but dumb-assed, puzzle yesterday. I saw that picture and since it is of a tree that is native to Australia, the home of one my buds, Peter, I thought I'd have some fun. What's that you say?, oh right, the best laid plans of mice and men.

The tree in the picture is of a type of Eucalyptus known as a Spotted Gum. Now don't you feel ashamed for all the abuse I took yesterday? KIDDING! Of course with that knowledge, and a dollar, you still can't get a cup of coffee, so I guess it wasn't much after all.

It was so nice to see one of the truly good guys on here show up yesterday with a comment. Brian is a school teacher in Oklahoma who has earned my respect by the amount of work he puts into his blog, not to mention the well-thought out content. Check out his Weekend Roundups, I'm sure you'll find some blogs to interest you. With his being a teacher, which is certainly no easy job, I don't know how he finds the time to put up as many as 100 links sometimes in one post, but I'm glad he does. You're an inspiration my friend.

Another friend that I've been neglecting lately is Ol' Hoss. This fellow is simply a master at his style of blogging, so if you want a good laugh visit his site. He's a self-effacing sort, but it's obvious that he puts a lot of work into it.

Canada's first set of sextuplets were born in Vancouver Saturday evening. They were 2 1/2 months early, and although they only weighed an average of 1.8 lbs, they are all expected to survive. I mention this to show how lucky we are to have the health care system we do. While not perfect, it is basically "free". While I was still working my monthly premium, that covered everything, was only $36 a month. Now as a low-income senior I pay nothing.

The importance of that comes when you learn that the babies are expected to spend 100 days in hospital, at a cost of $2000 per day, each. That's $1.2 million folks. While I'm glad that part of the taxes I pay go towards health care, I can't say I'm real happy that these births were reportedly the result of taking fertility drugs. But that's just me. Still, I'm happy for the parents, and wish them the best for the monumental task ahead.

Have a decent day guys.

Trucker Bob Image hosting by Photobucket blogged at 3:04 AM

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