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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Morning folks. Don't really have much to say today, as if I ever do, but did want to continue my return to regular blogging by letting L'il Bear make his first appearance of the year. He has almost become part of my comfort zone on here. I guess it's just whatever flops your mop.

Another part of that zone, as I mentioned in the comments, is the return of the good-natured teasing. With all of the seriousness in our world today I think it's almost therapeutic to be able to lighten up and just have a bit of fun. I don't believe in being rude or insulting, but I do like me some snark.

It also bears mentioning, again, how much I appreciate you guys hanging in with me. You make my days. A month ago I couldn't have cared less about the computer, now it's back to being almost my raison d'etre. Some might say that I should get a life, well let me assure you, I have had a full life, and in my mind this is just an extension of it. And in that vein we're going back to some good ol' butt-haulin' stories. All in time of course, but thanks to you I've got some spark back.

Enjoy the rest of your week-end. Stop by tomorrow and we'll do a little Bush-Whackin'.

Trucker Bob Image hosting by Photobucket blogged at 5:57 AM

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