Thursday, May 18, 2006
Morning you all, oops,
y'all. Got a couple of medical things happening today, the first of which is no biggie, but the second has me concerned.
First, I'm going to the lab for routine blood work relating to the tumor. I don't expect any surprises, just hoping the numbers are holding their own, if not a little better. The second is another matter.
You'll remember that Boop went through daily radiation treatments for 6 weeks after her most recent mastectomy. She handled it like the trooper she is and left with a clean bill of health.
I did'nt know that she had seen a doctor until she asked me yesterday if I would drive her into the Cancer Clinic this morning. Of course!, but you're not due for a checkup for another 4 months. Oh no!!
Her doctor confirmed what she felt. She has 2 new lumps, and I honestly don't know what to think. After all she went through it looks like it's back. DAMN!
Not only that, but she's been caring for her sister who is failing fast. The sister is scheduled for a second brain surgery Friday morning to relieve the fluid buildup caused by a malignant tumor. Add to that the cancer in her lungs( lifetime non-smoker) and you can see the concern.
Sometimes it feels like 2 steps forward and 3 back. I ask that you keep good thoughts for both Boop and Marg, her sister.
Sorry for the downer post, but after losing my sister just days ago, we need all the help we can get.
Thank you.
7:30am.....6 vials of blood later, the easy part is over. Soon I'll pick Boop up and start the hard part. Thanks for your comments so far.
2pm...Just got back with Boop. Not sure what to think. After the initial examination they took her to the lab for 2 biopsies. When she was'nt looking I read the exam report, and did'nt like the words used. They've promised to phone with the results later today which, to me at least, seems awfully fast. So for now we're on hold. Let's hope!
3:45pm...Needle biopsy results inconclusive. Scheduled for surgical biopsy June 5th, or sooner, if possible. Just talked to someone with a medical background, told the person what I read, and now I'm concerned. I'll keep you informed.
Trucker Bob
blogged at 3:27 AM