Sunday, January 21, 2007

Morning folks. L'il Bear dared me to fess up to my latest blunder, which should remove any doubt as to my intelligence, or lack thereof. In fact I think I'm safe in saying that I am officially stupid. Here we go....
While putzing around the kitchen in boredom yesterday I decided to fill up the rather large container of ground flax seed I use daily. So I got out my trusty Braun grinder and did my thing. Can you guess where I'm going with this? Each time I would grind some I would mix it in well with what was in the container, until it was finally full.
Washed the grinder, put it away, and then realized I had just ground up a pound of
coffee beans! But hold on, I might be on to something. Being rather frugal (cheap) I wasn't about to throw it all out, so I made a small pot of coffee with it. Not bad at all, in fact pretty good.
When I spread some on my daily bowl of gruel (oatmeal) this morning that was another matter. WOWEE! I won't be doing that again. One more spoonful and you could have scraped me off the walls, talk about a pick-me-up.
So if anyone wants to drop by I can make you a healthy cup o' joe, but don't come hungry. Think I might stay out of the kitchen today, but then again, I might come up with another recipe. Hmm, wonder how I could mess up a rice cake? Stay tuned. heh heh
Hope your week-end is going well, and I'll see you all later.
Trucker Bob

blogged at 7:31 AM