Sunday, November 25, 2007
Morning folks. Well, I finally got L'il Bear awake, took him outside to get some fresh air, and within minutes he had assumed the pose. Ah, what the heck, after all he is on holidays. Which brings me to my little announcement.
But first a big thank you to Judles for finding, and sending me that image. It's not only cuter than all get out, but it really does look like L'il Bear.
Because I'm an absolute news freak I spend most of my time on here monitoring what is happening in the world, to the point that I'm feeling guilty about not visiting your sites. Also, to a lesser degree, about not putting pictures and DVs up. But then I realize that just like L'il Bear up there, I too am on holidays.
So I've decided to take a break from posting daily, and instead check in every Monday morning to let you know how things are going. Nattering is fine, but after a while it becomes redundant.
You all know how much I appreciate the support you have given me so I won't run on about that. But I will say once again how proud I am to be a part of this blog family.
Take care of yourselves, and I'll see you on Monday Dec 3rd.
Trucker Bob
blogged at 2:42 AM