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Monday, July 17, 2006

Morning folks. Yesterday was such a great day here that I abandoned my search for the right RV and went to the beach instead. Started off with breakfast here:

Then a walk along the promenade:

Stopped and admired the latest addition to our waterfront, The Spirit Bear:

then spent some time watching the riders getting ready for the annual Tour De White Rock. This event has become an international affair with riders from across North America and Europe. I chatted with some riders from Michigan that make this race a part of their vacation.

With all the traveling I have done in my lifetime, with more to come, I have to admit that this is a beautiful place to live. I've been here for 40+ years and marvel at the blind luck that allowed me to raise the family here.

Finally, here is the DV of the day, or should I say week?

All in all it was a great day. Hope your's was at least as good.

Trucker Bob Image hosting by Photobucket blogged at 3:26 AM

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