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Friday, July 14, 2006

Morning folks. Happily I can report that Marg's dreaded visit to the oncologist yesterday went better than we expected. Her condition is no less severe, but he felt that things are holding their own and told her he wouldn't need to do any more tests for two months. What a relief for Boop, and Marg of course, because she is scheduled to fly to Edmonton today to be met by our son for a vacation.

I've been trying to convince her all week to go so now it's on. I'll be taking her to the airport this morning with orders to enjoy herself. Besides it's way past time that Marg's daughter stepped up to the plate. I can assure you that when I got done with her she was more than willing!

I had a lazy day getting caught up on little things around home. I've found a few more possibles but am holding off until I see the one I'm interested in on Monday.

I was in contact with the fellow that Peter provided the link to, and he was more than willing to help me with whatever I wanted to learn. That's what it's all about isn't it, people with common interests helping each other.

Here are some pictures from my visit to Summerside, PEI.

This is the tank of lobsters the motel owner told me to pick my dinner from.

This is where I had lunch on the same day.

And this is just an example of the great waterfront area in that beautiful little town.

Although I put a lot of miles on, I still had time to enjoy things. With all the personal goals I reached, and the learning that I'm physically back, I'm glad I did it the way I did. Now I can get on with the things I want to do.

For years I ran down the road with the dream of one day spending my summers in the Yukon and my winters down south. Well, that day has arrived!

However long it takes me to get set up properly will be worth it, because it's MY TIME!

Thanks for your kind thoughts for Boop and her sister. I'll see if I can find some yuck-yucks for a Saturday Chuckles post tomorrow. With all that have been sent me it shouldn't be a problem.
Got Boop airborne, and it was so nice to see her excitement. Slipped a little something into her purse and told her to go crazy. After all she's been through she deserves it.

Found another Class A that I almost made an offer on, but I'll hold off until Monday.

Trucker Bob Image hosting by Photobucket blogged at 3:36 AM

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