Sunday, July 23, 2006
Good muggy, sweltering, too hot to sleep, Sunday morning folks. I've never pooh-poohed the Global Warming theory, and this is just proof, to me at least, that something is happening to the global climate. Yesterday was overcast here which just served to hold the heat in to the point that even the trees look like they're sweating. Enough already!
On the good news front, Bobby's team has won all their games in the tournament so far and will play for the championship today at 10 am Pacific time. I was proud as punch of him for just making the tournament, but now I'm ecstatic. The fact that son Bob took his family over makes it even more special. They have their RV trailer set up by the ocean, and at the end of each day the team gathers around the camp fire, along with their friends, to have times that they will all long remember.
Everyone wants their children to have it better than they did, and thanks to Bob and his wife being such a great parents, that is certainly the case here. I have a lot of respect for the job he has done as a Dad, and I'm sure little Bobby will carry on the tradition.
It's funny how things work out. Before they left I asked Bob what Bobby's strengths and weaknesses were. He told me that the team looked up to him as a leader, he is a good first baseman with a great arm, can steal bases seemingly at will, but he struggles with the bat. Well guess what, as of last night's game he was batting 680. Go figure!
If his team doesn't emerge victorious today I won't be disappointed in the least. He has given us all something to be excited about. If they do win I'm already jockeying for a chaperone position on the trip to Maryland. Since Bob is the manager of the team, I think I have a good shot. wink wink
Just pecking this post out has made me forget about the heat, so thanks for the ride Bobby, you're a wonderfui grandson.
Win or lose, they'll be home later today. Then it's off with the RV to the Kootenays for 10 days. Since Boop is house-sitting for them, it gives her more time to spoil the dog and rabbits. I swear, ice cubes in their water? Ya gotta love her!
Take care guys, and thanks for letting me share.
Trucker Bob
blogged at 4:46 AM