Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Morning folks. I had intended to have a DV for today but I guess that little episode I just went through took more out of me than I realized, because although the spirit is willing, the flesh is still weak. Not so weak though that I can't muster a little tomfoolery.
With the upcoming mid-term elections in the US, and it looking like the Rethuglicans are going to get their due, a good butt-whuppin', it's good to see that Preznint Chauncey McStupid has finally found something to do that matches his skill level.
Apologies to hardworking farmersI must admit that this New Math has me baffled, I always thought that there were just 2 jackasses in a team.
Hope you all (y'all) are doing okay, and I'll probably see you tomorrow.
Trucker Bob
blogged at 4:44 AM