Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Morning folks. Here's hoping it finally starts to cool here a bit as forecast, because frankly the past few days have been just a bit much. Hard to believe, but they're predicting that by a week from tomorrow we'll have a high of 70 and a low of 39. YES! It got up to 98 yesterday but you could have put a 1 in front of it by the way it felt because of the cloud cover.
As for buying a set of wheels I think I've come up with the best of both worlds. I learned through one of the vendors of a fellow with a jeep for sale, so now I'm waiting for him to either call or bring it around. If it's at all reasonable I'll buy it because I can use it as a car, and head out to the hills scoutin' around. The owner is a friend of the vendor, so I'm hoping things move along quickly.
This morning I'm taking my application back to the Post Office to get a box. I was there last Thursday ready to fill it out but they needed a copy of my lease here at the park, so I was told to bring it in today. Also today I will be ensuring that I have a seat on the bus up to Parker on Thursday.
(be nice if I had a jeep by then)
Since it's been too hot to cook inside, and I still haven't bought a barbeque, I've been living on dried palm leaves, rabbit hair, and quail feathers. But then the light upstairs went on yesterday and I realized I've got a great slow-cooker and power outlets on the outside of the Bear. D'oh! So today I'll be buying some form of dead animal, throw it and a bunch of veggies in, and by dinner time I'll be chowing down big time. On second thought I'll probably wait until I get up to Parker because the meat here leaves a lot to be desired, and don't get me started on the produce. I guess it's because of the low year-round population, and the RVers being seasonal, but I wonder why a major chain hasn't built here.
Well, that should fill my natterin' quotient for today. Soon as the sun comes up I'll go out and check my traps, who knows, might be enough for brekky. See ya later guys.
Trucker Bob
blogged at 2:41 AM