Monday, December 10, 2007
Morning folks. Hope your weekend went.....
hey! never mind the chit-chat, get to it! Well, settle down and I'll proceed. Sheesh!
Okay, the mystery visitor I'm having for Xmas is a fellow I joined the Army with in 1955. We were sent to Shiloh, Manitoba for 2 fairly rigorous years of training, military and academic, and the ones of us who survived are pictured here. (This should embiggen)
I had put this picture up once before on my old site, Over The Road, and asked if you could pick me out. For those of my old readers that know the answer I ask that you not say anything until the newer ones have a go at it.
The fellow that is coming to visit is in the second row from the bottom, second in from the left of picture. He and I ended up being posted to the same regiment, and we last saw each other in 1960. Over the years, sad to say, we've had no contact, but through this blog we've re-connected to the point that he and his wife are driving a very long distance to spend Xmas with me. You all know how I feel about the good that can come from this medium, and this is an example.
I mentioned the other day about the good news going beyond Xmas. Well, when I leave here, approx mid-April, I'll be going to their place and setting the Bear up for the summer. He is going to take me to Clinton to retrieve my car, so then I'll be able to go out to White Rock etc. It's just a win-win all round.
So there you have it guys,....
what?, oh that... , the fellow that is coming down is the daily commenter Jim. Until I ask I'll respect his privacy and hold his full name, and that of his wife, but since I plan to post lots of pictures I'm sure he'll be fine with my giving his name and the location of where I'll be going.
When I post next I'll tell you of another old friend that will be stopping in for a visit. He and I are truckin' buddies, and it was so nice to get a call from him on Saturday. He and his wife normally stop in Quartzsite for a week on their annual excursion south, so as I said, Santa is being nice to me this year.
Have yourselves a good week, and I'll see ya on Thursday.
Trucker Bob
blogged at 2:39 AM