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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Morning folks. Just as I knew would happen, I had a wonderful time last night. The weather cooled a bit so I went back out exploring. Found a bowling alley and thought, why not? Rented a pair of shoes (ugh), bowled a couple of games, and did'nt do that badly considering how long it had been since I last bowled.

During that time I made friends (acquaintances) of the two couples in the next lanes. We finished our games, and they invited me along to a neighbourhood pub where the fun started.

We had a few cold ones, we played darts, we karaoked, we danced, damn I had a great time. You can sense when you're with genuine people, and boy these folks were that. Takes a bit to loosen me up, but boy was I loose when I was doing On The Road Again. Missed every second line and could'nt have cared less! Even got to telling a few jokes.

We ended up the evening at a Bonanza Steak House where I tried to treat them, but they would have none of that. In fact I had to insist on at least paying for my own.

There will be many more evenings like that, because remember, I know these people and they are the best. As a matter of fact Boop is from this area. Nuff said!

Speaking of Boop, I talk to her every couple of days, and all is well. Her sister Marg is coming along, and I've seen to it that Boop has some help in caring for her.

Today will be a very short drive. I plan to stay in Summerside PEI tonight, tour the Island a bit, then off to Nova Scotia. Oh yeah, and eat lobster, lot's of lobster!

I should hit Cape Spear Thursday or Friday. From that point on I have no schedule, because I will have done what I set out to do. It might take me 2 weeks to get home, or it might take me 6 weeks. It does'nt really matter.

I'll try to take a dorky video as I'm crossing the Confederation Bridge to PEI this morning, if not, certainly some pictures.

Thanks for coming along on this trip with me, now give me a hand to clean this room up, because we're going truckin'.
Udate 2 pm local time

I've got to stop pounding on myself. heh heh I drove 102 miles today and it took me 5 hours. Every rose along the trail has been duly smelled (smelt). I've just checked into a great motel here in Summerside for 2 days.

Guess what's on the menu for dinner in the dining room? Damn, you're smart, how did you know that? wink wink

Big Dave warned me of a bird flu scare here, but alas, too late. Hey, I've got it, Lexy likes birds, I'll bring them back to Ottawa for her.

I've taken lot's of pictures that I'll sort and post. I took 2 dorky videos, but there's no sound. I'll take my camera downtown and see if I've somehow messed it up. MOI?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

You want penquins Lexy, you got penquins!
Update numero dos

I messed up folks. This is what I had planned for dinner tonight here at the motel.

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But with all the chasing around trying to get my camera checked out, and doing some sight-seeing, I got hungry. Had an order of fish (haddock) and chips along the shore here that was so big, and good, that I'm just about high-centered. So I guess it's tomorrow's dinner.

Trucker Bob Image hosting by Photobucket blogged at 2:09 AM

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